Complete Pediatric, Family, and Athletic Health Centre

Couples Massage for Valentines Day! How It Works and the Benefits it Holds.

Couples Massages are something very common for holidays such as anniversary’s, birthdays and Valentine’s Day. As you already know, DHT is offering an amazing Massage Pampering Package. This gives you the opportunity to book a couples massage for you and your significant other.

How it works: Here at DHT you would book a massage time for both you and your partner, either at the same time or back to back times. Your therapists will escort you and your partner into two of our massage rooms. DHT designed each room to be similar to one another and created to promote relaxation. Your therapist will go over what you hope to gain from your massage and explain and outline what the massage will be like. From there, your massage will begin.

Although your massages will happen in different rooms, they will be occurring simultaneously. You both will be able to experience relaxation at the same time and achieve goals of relaxation together.

Benefits: If you or your partner have never gotten a massage before, this is a great time to do it. Having a massage together may increase their comfort level and may allow them to enjoy the therapeutic time more. Couples massage holds all the benefits of massage therapy: reduced pain, muscle tension and stiffness, increased relaxation, etc… except you get to experience it all with your partner. Why do it apart when you can do it together?


Call today to book a massage for both you and your significant other!


Tools That Will Help Increase and Maintain Posture

DHT likes to use a variety of different tools and modalities to help with treatment. DHT recommends a variety of tools to be used in homecare to help correct and maintain proper posture. Let us tell you a little bit about our favorite ones!

  1. Posture Medic- This tool acts as a harness to help correct your spine from curving and your shoulders from moving forward. It is a fantastic tool that helps correct and encourage proper posture. With two arm looped bands on either side of a supportive fabric block it pulls your body into its correct and natural posture. Its design is simple and effective. Wear the posture medic on top of your clothing! It is also light enough to be worn underneath sweaters and jackets. And, it doesn’t stop there! Use the Posture Medic as a lengthening and strengthening tool. The looped are bands also act as resistance for strengthening exercises. They can also help as a support for when entering into challenging stretches. Expect immediate results with this cost effective product!
  2. The 10 Minute Cushion- This cushion is a take anywhere tool used to help you sit more upright. The curve shape of the cushion naturally fits to the spine to help proper spinal curvature and encourage proper posture. This product has a lightweight and flexible design that makes it easy to take anywhere! A great tool to use at work, school, home or during your commute. Its uses have no limits! Patients can try out this product while waiting for their appointment as we have two ready to use cushions on our waiting room chairs.
  3. AcuBall- DHT currently features a small and large AcuBall as well as the AcuBack. Use this tool as a self massager or postural support. The AcuBall is a round support structure that comes in two different sizes- one large and one small. Place this product at different points on your body to help provide support or self massage. The AcuBack is a fantastic and versatile tool. It has two of the AcuBall’s on either side of a cylindrical support. On the support there are small divots, known as the spine align belt. These divots surround the spine when the tool moves. It can be placed on the back when you are sitting upright or laying down to help provide spinal support. Additionally, use this tool anywhere your body feels tight, its not just limited to the back!

Check on these products when you’re in for your next appointment! One of these tools may be great for you!

DHT Owner and Osteopath Sean’s 5 Tips to Stay Pain Free in 2018!

In DHT’s most recent newsletter, Sean talks about his five tips to stay pain free in 2018!

Tip #1 Stop. Take a breath and stretch
If your feeling stressed in the day, take a moment for a few deep breaths. Belly breathing can help relieve stress and relax tense muscles. A lot of the time we hold our breath and rely on our upper chest to breathe which causes neck and shoulder pain.
Stretch – daily. Ten minutes in the morning when you first wake up, and ten minutes before bed at night to get the most benefit. Doing gentle stretches just before bed can help you get a much better night’s sleep. No equipment needed, just you in the comfort of your own home (and some good music if you like).
Tip #2 Tend to any aches or pains
Remove any potential obstacles and finally get that nagging knee pain, or tight shoulder looked at. See a physiotherapist and work with them to understand exactly what’s going on in your body so you can move with the assurance that you’re doing so safely and within your limits. Expect nothing less than a detailed treatment plan and time frame that will get you back to your baseline and ready to build as soon as possible. This is our approach to care at DHT and we know that’s how you get the best outcomes.
Take a warm bath with Epsom salt or baking soda. The heat in combination with Epsom salt or baking soda will ease your muscles almost immediately and will calm your mind. The perfect way to end your day and unwind before getting a good nights sleep.
Tip #3 Get your fitness assessed and get moving
Movement is the best form of medicine – especially when it comes to managing a musculoskeletal condition or injury. You don’t have to hit the gym to benefit from exercise. Simply walking for at least ten to twenty minutes a day will give your body results. Next time you need to make a long phone call, why not do it on your mobile and walk at the same time?
Tip #4 Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can be a cause of muscle pain. A lot of time when we wake up in the morning we feel achy and stiff and it’s because at that time of day fluid hasn’t had the time to get to the discs in the spine or joints. This is because we don’t have enough fluid in our systems while we’re sleeping. Working out and breaking a sweat is one of the best ways to keep fit, for obvious reasons, but regular exercise may also make you lose a lot of water and you need to stay hydrated if you are to stick to your health goals. Sometimes you might need water with electrolytes to keep your body hydrated. Keep sipping as you go along with your workout. Muscles are active tissues, which means they’re the kind of tissue that requires the most water in the body.
Drink plenty of water -Seventy percent of your muscles are water. So it makes sense that you need to drink plenty of water to support your body and keep it hydrated. My tip – have a glass of water by your bed ready for when you wake up in the morning, that way the first thing you do is drink a glass as soon as you wake to kick-start your day.
Tip #5 Charge your calm side
Balance your movement in 2018 with activities that help to calm your nervous system. Think regular massages or yoga that focus on restoration and rejuvenation. At DHT, we offer remedial and relaxation styles of massage and deep tissue massages. These are great treatments that rest the body but engage the mind. It is in the non-doing that the magic happens. So, try it for yourself and strike that much needed balance in your movement diet.
So there you have it, five things you can very easily put into action in your day starting now to reduce stiffness and prevent it from making daily activities difficult. Don’t accept pain as part of life! If you do and you don’t do anything about it, it will likely worsen and affect your ability to move freely. Whether you’re reading this from your home, from holiday or work…I hope these tips have inspired you to get moving – safely.
Remember, movement is key to living a happy and healthy life. We want you to move in the best way possible so that you have every chance to maintain your optimum health.

Stretches While You’re at Work! Get Up and Moving!

So many days consist of driving to work, sitting at work, driving home from work and sitting at home. Our muscles will become tight and shortened which will alter our posture and cause pain. DHT wanted to share some stretches that you can do at work. You can aid in correcting any muscle pain that is caused by constantly sitting by performing these stretches.

  1. Lunges- Being in a seated position can shorten our hip flexors, because we are essentially sitting in a flexed position. A great way to open up your hips and stretch those hip flexors is by doing a deep lunge.
  2. Cat and Cow- Our shoulders will begin to roll forward the longer we sit. A great way to put some mobility back into our shoulder and spine is by doing a cat-cow pose. Additionally, you don’t have to do this stretch in a table top position, you can also do it when seated or standing.
  3. Pec Stretch- With our shoulders rolling forward we may also be experiencing tight pecs. A great stretch for tight pecs is a simple wall stretch. In addition, by adjusting the height of your arms, you will target the different fibers of the pectoralis muscle.
  4. Deep Neck Flexor Exercise- Consequently with our heads rolling forward from staring at the computer, our deep neck flexors will be weaker and lengthened. There are a few exercises that work great, almost all of them involve bringing your chin tight to your chest to engage these deep muscles.
  5. Quadriceps Stretch- Our quads are another hip flexor so, by doing a quadriceps stretch you can open up your hips a little bit more.


Hip Flexor Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Cat-Cow Pose
Cat-Cow Pose
Pec Wall Stretch
Pec Wall Stretch
Deep Neck Flexor Stretch
Deep Neck Flexor Stretch
Quadricep Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch









Alternate Ways to Ease Muscle Tension and Stress

This weather is all over the place and that means more stress being put on our bodies. Between shoveling, scraping the ice off our cars, gripping the steering wheel during one of those snow storms, our body builds up with stress and tension. Relieving aches and pains can be tough with our busy schedules. Here are some tips to help to reduce aches and pains at home!

  1. Use deep diaphragmatic breathing- A lot of the time we breathe through our chest. We use our accessory breathing muscles instead of our diaphragm. This can increase tension in our body as we are over breathing, taking more rapid and shallow breaths. It is natural for our bodies to breathe using our bellies, but as we have adapted to stress, it has altered our breathing patterns. The best way to reverse this habit is to breathe with more intention. Take 5-10 minutes a day and find a comfortable position laying on your back. Once there, place your hands on your abdomen. Start by taking an large inhale, for a count of six, feeling your belly lift your hands. Take a pause once you’ve reached your full inhale and exhale for a count of six. Repeat this for the full 5-10 minutes. You can also alter the time for the inhalation and exhalation, lengthening or decreasing the time for either one.
  2. Progressive relaxation- This is a great tool to use to release the built up tension from the day. The technique is simple. Find a comfortable position this can be laying on your back, on your side, or reclined- whatever feels best for you. . This techniques works by contracting your muscles and joints and holding this for 15-30 seconds. From there you release the contraction and introduce movement back into the muscles and joints. You can start this relaxation technique wherever, for instruction purposes lets begin at your feet. Curl your toes into the soles of your feet, point your feet up or down, and hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Release your feet by making circles at your ankles, wiggling your toes, stretching them open and then closed. Repeat this working your way up your body, from your calves to your thighs and glutes, to your abdominal muscles, your arms and shoulders, finishing with your neck and face.
  3. Essential Oils- Panaway is a great essential oil to help with relieving stress and tension as well as reducing inflammation and muscles aches and pains. Lavender is another great oil to encourage relaxation and reduce muscle tension, headaches and improve sleep patterns.
  4. Stretching- Stretch out your tense and tight muscles, and introduce movement back into your joints. You can do this using active range of motion, which is essentially you moving your joints through specific movements. For example, moving your head and neck from side to side, rotating it and bending and extending it.
  5. Manual Therapy- Make sure you attend regular appointments with your therapist to maintain your wellbeing. At home you can also use tools like the AcuBall to massage out your aches and pains. This is a great tool sold by DHT that works as a self massaging tool. A great feature of the AcuBall is that you can heat it up. Pop it in the microwave according to instructions and then use it to massage out muscles that are tight. The heat of the tool will also aid in loosening tight muscles.

Check out the variety of tools we sell here in the clinic, including the AcuBall and Panaway and Lavender essential oils! Stop your tension aches and pains!!



Valentine’s Day Massage Pamper Package!

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. If you’re looking for a gift for your loved ones this Valentine’s Day, well then look no further! DHT has the answer!

Pamper yourself or your loved ones with DHT’s Massage Pamper Package!

Here’s how it works: Purchase two one hour massage gift certificates at $100.00 each, HST included, and receive a complimentary 30 minute massage and a delicious box of Lindt chocolates.

Sounds SWEET, right?

Swing by the clinic as soon as you can to make your purchase! There are only 30 of these packages available. Additionally, only one package per person.


CHECK OUT DHT’s YouTube page to see the full promotional video: 

While you’re there, click SUBSCRIBE! Don’t miss a minute of the action here at Dynamic Health Therapy!

Valentine's Day


Heart Conditions- How Therapy Can Be Modified for A Beneficial Treatment

February is known as the American Heart Month. CV disease is a rising concern in our society today. Especially with poor eating habits and inactive lifestyles. Heart conditions range from high and low blood pressure, to angina, heart attacks and CHF. Many people with these kinds of conditions may be hesitant to receive any type of manual therapy. However, treatment can be done with some simple modifications to positioning and pressure to ensure a safe AND beneficial treatment.

Before treatment consult your family doctor. They will be able to tell you if manual therapy is right for you and your condition. Once your doctor has given you the green light, book an appointment for the therapy you are wanting to try. Your therapist will then ask you to complete a health history form. The most important thing to remember is to be as honest and open as possible. Include as many details as you can about your health to give the therapist information relating to your treatment.

Make sure to have an open conversation with your therapist. Keep those lines of communication open during the length of your treatment and following. Here are some things your therapist may do as modifications for your treatment:

  1. Take your blood pressure before and after treatment- This will give the therapist an idea of what your blood pressure normally sits at. From there the therapist can modify your treatment accordingly. Following the treatment they will take it to ensure that the treatment was safe and did not cause any altering effects.
  2. Position you semi-reclined or right side lying- These positions will take the pressure off of the heart. They will usually be more comfortable for the patient.
  3. Shorter, segmental strokes- A lot of the time a therapist will use shorter, segmental strokes opposed to long, full limb effleurage .
  4. The use of relaxed breathing- Deep belly breathing is a great tool to use. It helps to increase relaxation and keep BP from rising.
  5. Using sedative techniques rather than exciting ones- The therapist will use more relaxing strokes rather than exciting ones. They may also avoid using any deep, painful pressure to keep BP from rising.
  6. Remove heat therapy applications.
  7. Checking in regarding pain scale, pressure and comfort levels- The patient is the main priority.

With these changes, treatment can be possible, safe and can be very helpful for the patient. Most importantly, work within your comfort level. Ask as many questions as you can. Be willing to share with your therapist and your doctor regarding any concerns you may have. Your therapist and doctor can work together to ensure a safe treatment that will benefit you, your body and your health.

Relax Using Essential Oils- What Oils Can Help You Unwind

Relax! How many times have you been told to relax? As Valentines Day approaches it may be hard for us to make time to unwind with those important to us. Use essential oils to help achieve a state of relaxation and make time for self love and partner love.

Below are some of the essential oils that DHT loves to use to help us relax:

  1. Lavender- Lavender is an essential oil that has great relaxation properties. With its soothing, natural ingredients it can create a sense of calming and put the mind at ease. In addition, this oil is also great for relieving headaches and improve sleep quality.
  2. Frankincense- This oil is great for enhancing spiritual strength and calm. It helps relax the nerves and the body when it may be feeling tense.
  3. Bergamot- This oil comes from the citrus fruit the Citrus Bergamia and has uplifting properties. This oil allows energy within the body flow freely in a relaxed state. Furthermore, it can also help with conditions such as depression and anxiety.

These oils work great from a diffuser, mixed with a carrier oil or diluted in a bath. As a result, you will be able to kick back and relax! Here at DHT we love using essential oils as a natural remedy for many things, especially relaxing. Lastly, take a peak in our display case the next time you visit the clinic to see what essential oils we have in stock.

Theralase: Non-thermal Therapeutic Laser

Theralase non-thermal therapeutic laser is a new tool that can be found here at DHT. Essentially, it is a laser that doesn’t use heat but photons of light at specific wavelengths. The light that is entered into the body is absorbed at a cellular level and is turned into chemical energy. As a result, the body uses this energy to repair its injured tissue. This laser decreases pain and inflammation all while increasing healing and cell growth.

In addition, the benefits are as follows:

  • Increases cell growth and reproduction
  • Increases healing time
  • Reduces swelling of joints, therefore increasing range of motion
  • Reduces scar tissue formation
  • Increases blood flow of the body to the damaged tissues
  • Increased nerve cell reconnection. This brings numb areas of tissue back to life
  • Increased production of ATP

While most lasers use heat, the Theralase laser is non-thermal. It doesn’t use heat which takes away the risk of burning or damaging tissue. Especially relevant, this laser works with the individual. It is able to analyze the corresponding tissue. From there it is able to deliver the optimal wavelength each time. A unique quality of the laser is its ability to have the body heal itself. As a result of the wavelengths converting to chemical energy, the body’s cellular systems work on healing. It works on reducing swelling, pain and increase cell healing and growth. Because of this, the Theralase laser is truly one of a kind. It provides efficient healing to a variety of conditions.

This laser helps with, but is not limited to:

  • Arthritis
  • Chronic neck, shoulder, back and hip pain
  • Strains
  • Golfers/Tennis elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Capsulitis
  • Nerve conditions
  • Sprains
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Ligamentous injuries
  • Wounds

Treatment time will depend solely on your condition and its severity. It will be up to your therapist to advise. Lastly, for more information, feel free to contact or visit the clinic to speak with a practitioner and look at a brochure.

Biomechanics- Using Proper Form While Working Out

As we enter into the new year many of us set goals to become healthier and get more active. Biomechanics are extremely important when it comes to working out and exercising. If we don’t use proper form during exercises we risk hurting our body.

First off, before beginning your moderate to high intensity workout be sure to warm up your muscles. You can do this with some simple low intensity cardio. For example, walking on the treadmill for 10-15 minutes before beginning your workout. The benefits of warming up are endless:

  • Increases your heart rate slowly
  • Increases blood and circulation
  • Prepares your bodies muscles, tendons and ligaments for work
  • Prepares your mind for the activity to follow
  • You can also incorporate dynamic stretches into your warm up that will mimic the activities to follow in your workout

Now that we have established the important of warming up, lets talk about posture and positioning during certain exercises. For most exercises you want to remember:

  • Keep a neutral spine- don’t exaggerate the natural curves in your spine, this could create back pain down the line.
  • Don’t hyperextend or lock out any of your joints- Be sure that you aren’t moving past your joints natural range of motion. Don’t lock out your joints or hyperextend them during the exercise movements.
  • Do not track your knees over your toes- For exercises such as squats or lunges make sure that your knees aren’t travelling past your toes.
  • Keep your feet neutral- Keep your feet stable and planted on the floor. Don’t rock up onto your toes or onto your heels during your exercises.
  • Make sure each movement is controlled- During your exercise you want to make sure that your body is stable and that you are targeting the muscle you want worked. For example, a bicep curl. You want to make sure that you elbow is tucked into your body and you are only moving your arm into a flexed and then extended position. If your body begins rocking with the movement of the curl then you are no longer only targeting the bicep muscle, you are using accessory movements to help perform the curl.
  • Keep your shoulders back and your head in line with your shoulders- We want to ensure that your posture is good and upright before performing and strenuous movements.
  • Keep your feet shoulder width apart- For most exercises keeping your feet shoulder width apart give your the right amount of stability to perform the exercise.
  • Remember to breath through the exercises- never hold your breath.
  • Don’t push your body too far- Use your body as a guide and know when to stop. You know your body best.
  • Remember to lift with your whole body- Your body works better as a whole. Even though you may be targeting one muscles, use the others for support and stabilization.

Now, each exercise is different but these are some key points that are important to remember while working out. The therapists at DHT will provide home exercises for you to perform based on your treatment plan and goals. Proper form is important in order to keep your body healthy and on track to rehabilitation as well as injury prevention!