Complete Pediatric, Family, and Athletic Health Centre

Treatment Plans- Why Consistency is Key

Treatment plans are an amazing tool used by the Therapists here at DHT. The therapist will create the treatment plan following the initial assessment or treatment. The therapist designs the treatment plan with your needs and goals in mind.

A treatment plan is based off of:

  • Your goals for recovery, prevention or maintenance
  • Assessment findings
  • The severity of your pain or limitations
  • The homecare and exercises given
  • Your activities of daily living
  • Modalities or techniques used in your treatments
  • Your availability
  • Referrals for other therapies

The therapist designs a treatment plan for your success. The plan will lay out how many treatments per week and for how many weeks he or she would like to see you for. While a treatment plan is a guideline, consistency is key. The ability to commit to the treatment plan will determine how successful you will be. This means attending appointments and following homecare routines provided by your therapist.

Based on your progress your therapist will be able to adjust the treatment plan accordingly. This means, either keeping it the same or increasing or decreasing sessions or adding a different technique or aspect to the treatment. Furthermore, a treatment plan gives you a baseline for a reassessment time. It can outline your recovery, prevention or maintenance process.

In conclusion, if you are unsure of your treatment plan, ask your therapist and work through it together. Optimize your success with the help of DHT, your therapist and a treatment plan!

Acupuncture- Information and Benefits

Acupuncture originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM suggests that our energy flows along meridian pathways. The pathways link to specific organs and organ systems within the body. According to TCM, uninterrupted energy flow within our body keeps us alive and healthy. In turn, a kink in this flow can cause pain and problems.

The therapist using this tool will insert thin needles into specific points along our energy pathways. The therapist will insert the needles at different depths and at different points in order to achieve specific goals. This will help even out the flow of energy, as a result reducing pain and discomfort. Furthermore, acupuncture is used with different manual therapies as an additional modality. It can encourage natural healing, reduce and/or relieve pain, and to improve function of affected areas of the body.

This modality holds many benefits in combination with manual therapy:

  1. Pain Relief
  2. Increased relaxation
  3. Increase body and blood flow
  4. Reduce swelling

Many people may feel nervous to use this tool as part of their regular treatment. The stigma is , is that this process can be painful. The first step is to have this conversation with your therapist. They will be able to walk you step-by-step through the process to ensure your comfort. Upon needle placement you will feel little to no pain, similar to a mosquito bite. The sensation you feel once the needle is in place will vary. They can range from a heavy feeling to numbness and tingling, this feeling can also move within the body.

This therapy treats a variety of muscular problems such as muscle strains, sprains, bruising, and others. It is important to speak with your therapist regarding your goals for the acupuncture treatment. This is done in order to develop an efficient plan of care. Lastly, the number of treatments vary with each person and the condition being treated. Treatments usually last between 15-30 minutes. You may feel relief right away or within a few hours or a few days of treatment. Most patients notice an improvement after the first couple of treatments.

In conclusion, consider using this tool as part of your regular treatment- speak to your therapist today to see if it is right for you.

Another tip before making a decision is to do plenty of research. You will be able to find FAQ’s on our website beneath the services tool bar. Any of our staff will be able to answer any questions you may have. We put your comfort first and our main goal is to get all of our patients feeling better.


Stretching- The Benefits and Why You Should Do It!

Stretching is a component of an exercise routine that may be overlooked. However, stretching is a great tool to use for rehabilitation and injury prevention.


  1. Increase joint range of motion
  2. Increase blood flow and circulation
  3. Decrease risk of injuries
  4. Increase physical performance
  5. Helps your muscles work more effectively
  6. Improve flexibility

Our therapists here at DHT use stretching as part of their homecare and remedial exercise routines. It is used as a way to loosen up muscle restrictions, reduce pain and increase range of motion.

There are different types of stretches you can use. You would choose these stretches according to your limitations or the exercise you will be performing.

  1. Static- A static stretch is one where you would hold a stretch for a set amount of time and repeat a couple times over. For example, performing a static quadriceps stretch, holding for 30 seconds and repeating three times.
  2. Dynamic- This is a type of stretch that incorporates movement. It is a great way to warm up your tissues all while incorporating movement from your sport or specific physical activity. For example, ‘High Knees’ as you walk down a soccer field.
  3. Ballistic- High intensity athletes use this stretching technique. It is a technique used by athletes to wake up and stimulate their muscles. For example, the sprinting athletes bouncing up and down prior to their race.
  4. PNF- There are many types of PNF stretching, the most common being the ‘Contract-Relax’. Most often, your therapist will help you execute a PNF stretch. The main objecting is to contract the muscle in its stretch for a set period of time in order to increase the length of the muscle. This is an effective way to lengthen the muscle in a short period of time.

Stretching is a great component to start to use, but it is important to know how to stretch before beginning. Warm up before you stretch, it is best to perform static stretching once your exercise is complete. You can also use a dynamic stretch in your warm up to help warm up your muscles with a subtle stretch. When you are stretching, don’t strive for pain. Although you will feel tension during the stretch, feeling pain means that you have pushed too far and you should pull back a little. Be sure to hold your stretch according to certain parameters (30 second hold, repeat three times) and incorporate stretching into a daily routine. Lastly, focus on the large muscle groups and make them specific to your exercises or rehabilitation goals.

Hamstring Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Quadricep Stretch
Biceps Stretch
Biceps Stretch



Smoking Cessation- Why This Should Be Your 2018 Goal

Smoking is a habit that effects millions of Canadians. Smoking cessation is the process of quitting tobacco smoking. Many people will enter into the new year hoping that they can drop this habit. However, many people struggle to find the strategy that works for them.

Many ads are made for nicotine patches, gum and vapor cigarettes. These strategies may work for some but for most all it offers is a temporary solution.

Dynamic Health Therapy offers Hypnosis therapy for smoking cessation; this is done by our Ultimate Level Hypnotherapist. Hypnosis creates a positive change mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Hypnotherapy aids in distracting the conscious mind. This will allow access to the unconscious mind through guided imagery and trance. As a result, a positive change alters those bad habits and thought patterns. In addition, this type of therapy allows your mind to come to the reality of the negative effects of smoking.

Consequently, hypnosis is a method that holds one of the highest success rates for this habit. In conclusion, hypnosis is a more beneficial solution than patches, gum and vapor cigarettes- it also works better than quitting this habit cold turkey.

This cessation treatment requires one session and will teach your mind how to alter this habit. As a result of the one session, you will be able to use what was taught to follow through on your own.

Smoking is a large habit to uphold; think of the money you will save after you have quit! Don’t wait to make this change; there is no better time than the present!

Call or email the clinic to book your session today. Your body, mind and heart will thank you for this decision.

Image result for quit smoking




Relaxation- How Manual Therapy Can Help and Reduce Stress!

Relaxation is something that everyone strives for, but yet seems so out of reach. Many of us go through life feeling chronic stress with no answers on how to reduce this feeling from our lives. One thing that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation is manual therapy. Taking care of your body is important. Manual therapy is one of the ways to take care of your body both physically and emotionally.

Our sympathetic nervous system is the system within our body creating stress. This system is also known as our fight or flight instinct. Your SNS can increase your heart rate and breathing rate and can decrease bowel and urinary function. Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, asthma and bowel dysfunction. With that being said, you can see why being in a constant state of stress can be harmful for our bodies.

Chiropractic Care: Working with a chiropractor can be great for stress reduction. The spine itself is the root of the central nervous system. This is why adjustments there can be so beneficial. Muscle tension can be increased when you’re stressed which can lead to subluxations. This therapy can help make those adjustments to reduce the chance of this happening and help reduce the resting muscle tension.

Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy works great in reducing stress because of its use of physical activity and exercise. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress because it increases good chemicals in our body which in turn reduces pain and improves sleep. It also helps with reducing stress, reducing fatigue, improving concentration and cognitive function.

Massage Therapy: Massage therapy is a great way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Treatment will include a variety of techniques used to relax the body, increase blood flow and decrease pain. Increased stress can leave your muscles in a state of spasm, massage therapy can be helpful in stripping out the muscles and loosening them. This not only reduces stress but it can also help improve range of motion and muscular function.

Holidays aside, stress can happen throughout any time of the year. Help your body and consider manual therapy to reduce your stress. Your body will thank you for it.



Posture- How, Why and What Happens With Poor Posture and How You Can Fix It.

Poor posture is a universal condition in our world today. Between sedentary lifestyles, technology and increased stress our posture begins to decline.

How?  Our posture will slowly begin to decline the more we let it. Most of the time it is a change that happens without even noticing it. This change can happen while we drive, sit or repeat certain motions for long periods of time. Shoulders will begin to slump forward and our head will follow. It can alter the natural curves of our spine and can lead to back pain and increased muscle pain. We may not notice this change until it is pointed out to use and most of the time correcting it takes a conscious effort. Most of the time when we try to correct our they way we sit or stand, it can feel strenuous and uncomfortable because we are retraining our postural muscles.

Why? Postural decline can happen for many reasons. First off, the muscles we use on a daily basis will become tighter and larger, whereas the muscles we don’t use will become smaller and looser in comparison. This is also known as upper or lower crossed syndrome which is muscular imbalances in your body. As a result, our bodies natural posture will be altered. Postural imbalances can also happen as a result of social trends. This includes carrying large purses or backpacks, being hunched over a computer, video game or steering wheel.

What? A lot of the time we will suffer increased back pain, jaw pain, decreased lung capacity and increased abdominal problems as a result of poor postural habits. By slumping forward we decrease the size of our thoracic cavity which will compress our diaphragm limiting the amount of air our body can take in and will also compress our abdominal organs which could complicate normal bowel function. Postural imbalances can also alter the natural curve of our spine causing increased back and jaw pain.

Correcting these imbalances involves a conscious effort. Look where you are going, keeping your head balanced on top of your spine. Keep your shoulders square and pulled back, almost like you are trying to make yourself as tall as you can. If you are sitting often, use postural supports. DHT uses tools such as the ten minute back cushion which mimics natural spinal curvature and encourages your body to sit up tall. These tools will also aid in getting your weaker muscles stronger, so they can do it on their own. Also, be sure to lift using proper biomechanics to avoid any muscle pulls or strains.

Therapy and remedial exercise can also help with strengthening and loosening up the proper muscles and can help encourage proper postural habits.

Shoveling: How to Shovel Properly to Avoid Back Pain

Shoveling is common during this time of year, especially as the snow storms begin to hit. Many of us will shovel our driveways and walk ways to make walking and driving easier. However, many of us may not be shoveling properly.

Many people will experience back pain this winter because of incorrect biomechanics during snow removal. Here are some tips to help improve the way you shovel:

  1. Find the correct snow shovel for your body- You will want a snow shovel that will reduce the amount of bending at the hip. A curved or adjustable handle is best. If you are bending make sure to bend at the knees not at the hips. Use your legs to provide the strength and power. Also, find a light weight blade to reduce the amount you are lifting.
  2. Warm up before beginning your task- A brisk walk or some dynamic stretching will help warm up your body and muscles. It can increase blood flow and lengthen your muscles. This will help prevent injury during the taxing job of shoveling.
  3. Avoid twisting movements at the low back and hips- Make sure you are always facing what you are lifting. Ensure your body is square with the object and use your whole body to move the pile of snow.
  4. Use your legs to power your body- When picking up the snow bend at your knees and power up with your legs. This will help avoid straining your back.
  5. Ensure you have a good grip on the handle- Position your one hand as close to the blade as you can while maintaining your comfort. Your other hand can rest comfortably on the handle.
  6. Maintain your center of gravity- Keep the shovel close to your body and don’t extend or reach to dump the snow.
  7. Never lift more than your body can- Keep the loads of snow manageable for your body, this will make the task easier and less taxing on your body.

If an injury does happen manual therapy is great to help with rehabilitation. Physiotherapy, chiropractic work and massage therapy are great to provide soft tissue and joint release. They also provide remedial exercises and stretches to help with at home progress.

Orthotics- How They Can Help You! Book In Now!

Designed to help modify the functional and structural characteristics of our skeletal system, orthotics can be a helpful tool for optimal wellness. They can help with assisting movement, reduce pain and help with the overall shape and function of the body.

Orthotics can help with conditions such as spina bifida and cerebral palsy. They help stabilize the body for conditions such as nerve damage or stroke. They can also help to improve posture and reduce pain.

Here at Dynamic Health Therapy we work with a company called The Orthotic Group to create customized orthotics. An appointment would consist of a gait scan and cast fitting. The software DHT has allows us to analyze the way you walk and stand, and where you will need additional support. Following the gait scan, a foam casting is made around your feet. This will ensure that the orthotic fits and supports your feet.









Therapy to Reduce Sinus Congestion

Sinus congestion can effect many of us during the cold and flu season. This can also be the beginning of a chronic sinus condition. Many people assume that it is best to stay home during a bout of the cold. However, manual therapy can help these symptoms.

Therapists will determine what technique is best for you. They will do this based on your symptoms. Sinus massage, Acu Pressure, Crainiosacral therapy and Lymph Drainage massage can be quite helpful with sinus congestion.

Benefits to these treatments include: improved circulation, blood flow and sinus function. Rethink cancelling an appointment because of a cold. Your therapist will be able to help more than you think.


Sinus Congestion


Congestion- Postural Drainage to Help With This Cold and Flu Symptom

Congestion is something that is very common during cold and flu season. Many people will avoid attending their regular therapy appointment due to their cold symptoms. Postural drainage can help get rid of this problem. It is very helpful in relieving congestion within the respiratory tract. PD is used in combination with tapotement techniques is used to help relieve this symptom.  

Using body positioning, gravity and tapotement techniques your therapist can help reduce mucus build up in your lungs . Conditions such as cough and cold, asthma and bronchitis can cause this build up. Your regular scheduled treatment can incorporate this technique in seamlessly. The way PD works is easy. Your therapist will locate where the build up lies in your lungs. With that knowledge they will then position you accordingly. The therapist will position their patients to use gravity to help drain the mucus from the congested lobe. Your therapist may also use some cupping to help with the expelling of mucus. Ideally, you will remain in the position for a minimum of five minutes to help with draining. Following, your therapist will perform light clapping or cupping techniques to help encourage drainage.

Using PD when you have a cough or cold can be very helpful. This will ensure that you stay on schedule with you treatment plan and help with your cold.


