Tools That Will Help Increase and Maintain Posture

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Picture of Sean-Michael Latimour

Sean-Michael Latimour

RMT, SMT (cc), DOMP, CST, PTS, MNLP Clinic Owner, Registered Massage Therapist, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and Sport Massage Therapist.

Picture of Sean-Michael Latimour

Sean-Michael Latimour

RMT, SMT (cc), DOMP, CST, PTS, MNLP Clinic Owner, Registered Massage Therapist, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and Sport Massage Therapist.

DHT likes to use a variety of different tools and modalities to help with treatment. DHT recommends a variety of tools to be used in homecare to help correct and maintain proper posture. Let us tell you a little bit about our favorite ones!

  1. Posture Medic- This tool acts as a harness to help correct your spine from curving and your shoulders from moving forward. It is a fantastic tool that helps correct and encourage proper posture. With two arm looped bands on either side of a supportive fabric block it pulls your body into its correct and natural posture. Its design is simple and effective. Wear the posture medic on top of your clothing! It is also light enough to be worn underneath sweaters and jackets. And, it doesn’t stop there! Use the Posture Medic as a lengthening and strengthening tool. The looped are bands also act as resistance for strengthening exercises. They can also help as a support for when entering into challenging stretches. Expect immediate results with this cost effective product!
  2. The 10 Minute Cushion- This cushion is a take anywhere tool used to help you sit more upright. The curve shape of the cushion naturally fits to the spine to help proper spinal curvature and encourage proper posture. This product has a lightweight and flexible design that makes it easy to take anywhere! A great tool to use at work, school, home or during your commute. Its uses have no limits! Patients can try out this product while waiting for their appointment as we have two ready to use cushions on our waiting room chairs.
  3. AcuBall- DHT currently features a small and large AcuBall as well as the AcuBack. Use this tool as a self massager or postural support. The AcuBall is a round support structure that comes in two different sizes- one large and one small. Place this product at different points on your body to help provide support or self massage. The AcuBack is a fantastic and versatile tool. It has two of the AcuBall’s on either side of a cylindrical support. On the support there are small divots, known as the spine align belt. These divots surround the spine when the tool moves. It can be placed on the back when you are sitting upright or laying down to help provide spinal support. Additionally, use this tool anywhere your body feels tight, its not just limited to the back!

Check on these products when you’re in for your next appointment! One of these tools may be great for you!

Picture of Sean-Michael Latimour

Sean-Michael Latimour


Picture of Sean-Michael Latimour

Sean-Michael Latimour


Clinic Owner, Registered Massage Therapist, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and Sport Massage Therapist

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